Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So I know our assignment for Tuesday was to read the article about genre, and has been basically reassigned for Thursday, but I still find it hard to read. I skimmed it once, then reread, and have looked at it again but some of the language just makes no sense to me. It's hard for me to grasp things like this, because I see it as so abstract. I feel like because it's not concrete at all that I can't apply it to situations that make sense to me. It's all well and good to discuss what genre or rhetoric is, but if I can't repeat it in my own words where others can understand me, then I don't think I've really learned anything. I'm going to look at it again, and hopefully with the discussion tomorrow some of my questions will be answered.

1 comment:

  1. It will be pretty interesting to see how this new approach to the reading goes. I like the idea of reading a journal or articles that apply more directly to our majors, and having everyone post different things on their blogs will be kind of cool. I haven't exactly explored all of my options yet but I plan to look at a few science and engineering journals and see what interests me most to post each week.
